Sunday, May 1, 2011


Started in 1909 the MI5 worked to stop threats of Nazi’s in Great Britain in WWII and during the world wide Red Scare they dedicated themselves to keeping communism away from the British government.  Though they have had more scandal than they have had famous achievements, take the John Profumo/Christine Keeler Affair for example.
Watch a news clip here

The Scotland Yard

The Yard was started in the 1800’s it is one of the oldest national agencies still in existence.  The Scotland Yard is best known for its flying squad (a unit if quick dispatch cars), and the development of the 999 phone call (much like 911 in America).  The Yard is also known for thorough investigation of crimes and it’s long (and unsuccessful) attempt at catching Jack the Ripper.  Nowadays the Scotland Yard is known as The Metropolitan Police or MET. 
This is a Video from the 1970’s IRA bombing of London

For the Metropolitan Police Website click here

The Pinkerton Detective Agency

The Pinkerton Detective Agency was started in 1850 by Allan Pinkerton.  The agency first got on the map by shutting down the terrorist gang called the Mollie Maguires.  Pinkerton was also constantly at war with the outlaw Jesse James and his gang.  Pinkerton was under constant attack from James but he always outsmarted him.  Pinkerton was known for his excellent work in going undercover.  He was also known for his strict rules on sobriety.  No agent was allowed to drink while employed at the agency so that they could and would be alert 24/7.  Pinkerton died in 1884.

Simon Wiesenthal

Simon Wiesenthal is a Jewish survivor of the Janowska concentration camp where he was sent in 1933.  When he was freed he made his name as a Nazi hunter for the Nazi leaders who escaped in the holocaust.  He caught men like concentration camp leader Franz Stangl and infamous doctor Dr. Josef Mengele who was known for torturing and killing hundreds and thousands of Jews in his ‘science experiments’. Wiesenthal caught tons of Nazis until his death in 2005.

Eugene Vidocq

Eugéne Vidocq was a convict in the 1700’s.  In 1789 he was sentenced to prison for fighting in public.  He escaped prison a few times and was finally freed in 1799.  From there he opened up a clothes shop where he was blackmailed for many years.  Eventually he went to the police where he made them an offer.  From there he became one of the most famous undercover detectives of all time, specializing in catching thieves with his many exuberant disguises.  After 23 years of working with French police he opened his own detective agency which he ran for 24 years until his death.

The International Interpol

The International Interpol specializes in 6 areas.
1.       Drugs and other organized crime
2.       Financial and High-Tech Crime
3.       Fugitives
4.       Public Safety and Terrorism
5.       The Trafficking of Human Beings
6.       Corruption
Interpol was started in 1914 and was kicked into high gear in 1946 when its headquarters were moved to Paris.  Interpol works with over 180 different countries to create a worldwide crime-solving unit.  With all the different countries working together it creates the most efficient way to catch escaped fugitives and other bad people who are fleeing the country from the law.
For more information on the history of Interpol click here
For Interpol's website homepage click here

Federal Bureau of Investigation

The FBI is the main crime catching agency in America.  It was started in 1908 as a group of Secret Service agents working with the Department of Justices.  It did not have an official leader until 1924 when the famous (or infamous) J. Edgar Hoover took reigns of the agency.  He was leader of the agency for 48 years.  Today the head of the FBI’s name is Robert S. Mueller, III and has been the head of the Bureau since 2001.  The FBI specializes in a few different areas and has made great leaps and bounds to the advancement in crime solving technology.  It has also been featured in hundreds of movies. 
For more information on the history of the FBI please visit here
For any other information on the FBI here is the homepage to their website.